Monday, January 23, 2012


I am currently staying at the children's home for 10 days while their house mom is on vacation. So far it's been a blast. :) Several of the girls had chicken pox last week. When I got here on Friday morning, the first thing Jolly told me was "Auntie! Last night I prayed to Jesus to take away my chicken pock, and today they are gone!" Sure enough, she had maybe one or two spots left but the rest had totally disappeared overnight.


Today -

Nancy: Auntie, when it is time for you to go back to America, I'm going to fly there to see you and to see your home.
Me: How will you fly?
Nancy: With my wings! (flapping her arms)
Doreen: Where will you get wings?!
Nancy: I will pray to God to give me wings like the angels and He will give them to me!
Doreen: Why don't you just pray to Him to give you the money to go!?

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