Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Safely In Uganda

I'm so thankful for uneventful travels and a safe arrival in Uganda at 2:15 AM yesterday...I stayed the night in Entebbe and am now in Kampala. A couple of fun facts - I ran into someone I know from Gulu (Coy, Robbie, and baby Anna) on the flight from Chicago to Istanbul, and we were also on the same flight from Istanbul to Entebbe. I don't mind flying alone but it is always comforting to see a familiar face on the other side of the world. Also, I was planning on a special hire (rented vehicle & driver) to get to Gulu... I was just praying for someone to share the ride & expense... but instead God has connected me to another missionary who is making the trip anyway. He provides way above and beyond my expectations.

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