Every Child Ministries had a short term team come to drill wells for remote parts of the village near Tegot Atoo, where I tutored in 2009. I got to go along, before their arrival to help scout out the locations for the wells and send back photos, and then also after they arrived to see the work they were doing. The first time I went with ECM staff to photograph the potential locations, they asked around the village to see which men would be willing to help out and have a part in digging the wells for their communities. Many of their families had to walk for hours just to get water, and often still from a dirty source like this creek:
It was fun to see the excitement on the men's faces and listen to them express their happiness over getting a clean source of water. Here they are committing to work with ECM in the drilling, and checking out the future well site:
884 million people in the world don't have access to a safe water source, but ECM has reduced that by two villages. :) A small step but a very important one for several families in Northern Uganda. It is an honor for me to still be involved with ECM on a part time basis and to see the work they are doing for this community. You can check out their website at www.ecmafrica.org.